I have an AVR (Marantz SR8012) integrated with Home Assistant and I’m trying to figure out how to trigger an automation action when the AVR is unmuted).
For my trigger I have:
platform: state
entity_id: media_player.living_room_avr
attribute: is_volume_muted
to: 'false'
Nothing but before we cross that bridge, try what I suggested to confirm it resolves the problem you reported.
Edit automations.yaml with a text editor and save the changes. Then execute Configuration > Server Controls > Check Configuration to confirm you didn’t accidentally introduce any errors.
If it passes, execute Configuration > Server Controls > Reload Automations. (If you skip this last step, the manual changes you made won’t be loaded into Home Assistant.)
Glad to hear it fixed the problem. Now all that’s left is to prevent the Automation Editor from touching that particular automation and putting the quotes back.
One way to do that is to separate the automations created/modified via the Automation Editor and the automations created/modified via a text editor. There’s an example of how to do that at the end of the documentation section for Splitting up the configuration. Take a look at it and let me know if you encounter problems implementing it. The goal is to store automations created with a text editor in a separate file located in a separate directory.
Is there a reason why we include a whole directory (instead of just a file) when splitting up automations? And what do I put in that directory? One yaml per manual automation or?