Does the light need to “support” flashing or does HA do this internally with turn_on/off?
I have tried it with two different lights (my own yeelightsunflower platform and an mqtt_template) but it just turns on the lights and they stay on.
I’m using a script:
alias: Sphere glow
- alias: on
service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.spheramid_underlight
brightness: 155
flash: short
Is this a config problem or a light capability issue?
I am trying to do the same with my fibaro dimmers z-wave, it just turns on and stay on, in the case of z wave the flashing is for an alarm situation (special message), i just haven’t rack how to send it from HA-Node-RED
here is the info (i know it applies to most dimmers in z wave)
Operating alarm data frames
FIBARO System allows user to set response of devices to alarm situations (response to data-frames ALARM_REPORT and SENSOR_ALARM_REPORT). Dimmer 2 responds to the following types of alarms:
General Purpose Alarm – GENERAL PURPOSE ALARM
Water Flooding Alarm – ALARM WATER
Temperature Alarm – ALARM HEAT
Alarm data-frames are sent by devices that are system sensors (e.g., flood sensors, smoke detectors, motion detectors, etc.).
The device may respond in the following manner to received data-frames (settings are configured in configuration parameters, see „Advanced parameters” on page 22):
0 – DEACTIVATION – the device does not respond to alarm data frames 1 – DIMMER 2 ON – the device turns on after detecting an alarm 2 – DIMMER 2 OFF – the device turns off after detecting an alarm 3 – ALARM FLASHING – the device periodically changes its status to the opposite when it detects an alarm (lights on/off alternately)