Using light "toggle" turns 100% instead of Last level

I have multiple lights on z-wave (4xFibaro Dimmer 2, 2xDomitech). Since +/- one month the Toggle is not turning on the light to the last level, but it goes to 100%.

Wanted situation:
Lamp Level 30% [Toggle] Lamp off [Toggle] Lamp Level 30%
Lamp Level 30% [Toggle] Lamp off [Toggle] Lamp Level 100%

Parameter 19 ([22-112-0-19] Forced Switch On Brightness) is set to [0] Previous level (Default).

FGD212 Fibaro Dimmer 2
ZWave2mqtt with a MQTT configuration to Home Assistant - EMQX

What is wrong here ?

Same here with Leviton DZ6HD (version 1.2), also using ZWave2mqtt on HA 2023.3.