Using RPi0 bluetooth adapter remotely

Is there an easy way to share a Bluetooth adapter remotely with Home Assistant?

Similar as one can share a Zigbee adapter over the network?

My setup:

  • Home Assistant runs in my basement, no good radio reception and no bluetooth adapter available
  • I have deployed a Raspberry Pi Zero which has a RTL433 and a Zigbee stick connected and handles these over the network

I’d like to do the same for Bluetooth so my HA instance can use the Bluetooth integration. As a bonus, Raspberry Pi Zero has Bluetooth integrated so I don’t even need to connect an additional USB adapter.

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I know it’s not using your existing Pi, but have you looked at ESPHome bluetooth proxy?

You could use Theengs gateway addon on the PI0, it would publish the BLE data to an mqtt broker connected to HA:

Compatible devices:

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