Using workday offset in some automation?

Hi folks,

I’m using the workday sensor to switch on my kids lights in the morning only if it’s a workday. I would also like to switch them in the evening but only if the following day is a workday (as they are allowed to go to bed later if the following day isn’t a workday). I want their light to switch on on sunday, monday, tuesday, saturday and thursday evening but not on friday and saturday evenings.

is there a way to use offset but only in some automations and not for all ?

Thank you !

if i understand correctly, you could create 2 workday binary sensors – one with an offset and one without:


  - platform: workday
    country: US
    name: workday_today

  - platform: workday
    country: US
    name: workday_tomorrow
    days_offset: 1

(i’m assuming an offset of 1 means tomorrow; i haven’t used this before)

change country accordingly obviously.

then use binary_sensor.workday_today in your morning automation and binary_sensor.workday_tomorrow in the evening.


Thank you ! It’s exactly what I was looking for.