Using Zigbee entity values in value template calculations

In my HA system, I was calculating dew points using value templates. My sensors were all MQTT and the calculation seemed straight forward to me. A typical calculation entry in the sensors.yaml looked like this:

  - unique_id: sense34
    platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'airqual_2'
    name: 'dew_point_airqual_2'
    unit_of_measurement: '°F'
    value_template: '{{ (( ((((value_json.Temp | float) * 1.8 ) + 32) ) - (0.36 * (100 - (value_json.RH | float) ))) | round(2)) }}'

I decided to replace my DIY sensors with SONOFF TH01 sensors, for two reasons; they are battery powered, and their packaging is cleaner looking than anything that I can achieve. The SONOFF sensors are Zigbee sensors and I added them using the ZHA integration.
Now, I have no idea how to implement the dew point calculation using the new entities. Can somebody point me in the right direction?

You will have to create template sensors using your new entities:

Thank you for the prompt response. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my question. I apologize for taking so long to acknowledge your answer. It took me until now to figure out how to create the template definitions. All is good!