UTC Wrong, Logbook entries have wrong date

Since recreating my VM from the latest .vmdk on the hass website, I am finding that while my configuration.yaml has the correct time zone, my logbook page always shows no entries.

On closer inspection I see the entries are there, but they are 7 hours in the past, thus out of scope for the default filters.

I ran timedateCTL on the VM and I see the UTC time is off.

Any idea how to correct this?

Thanks in advance!



From within the VM

hwclock -s

If that fails, reboot the VM I’m afraid

Thanks, tried that and have rebooted the VM many times. No effect.

Ahhh I see your hwclock is out by of sync by a significant margin.

  • Set the clock manually…
hwclock --set --date="2020-03-27 22:30:05" --localtime
  • Check both clocks are approximately in check with timedatectl. If not set your local time with date +s and hwclock -w to write local over RTC

  • Reboot to see if clocks persist

I figured it out. It was the ESXI host time. This was the culprit.

Whats strange though is that I have been running this host for 6 months now without issue, never touching that setting and yet I only ran into this problem after reinstalling from a fresh .vmdk from the hass website. go figure.