I am wanting to get into the energy monitoring side of this with home assistant. Ideally I want one brand that does gas power and water monitoring. Not sure if that is possible. My other request would be keeping it local so if the company goes under I can still use it or internet goes down I can still monitor. Any ideas or words of wisdom?
water: Flume water monitor (if compatible meter) / metermon uses an SDR (software defined radio) to capture some meters
gas: metermon uses an SDR (software defined radio) to capture some meters
energy: metermon uses an SDR (software defined radio) to capture some meters (doesn’t work with solar smart meters in general)
some of these meters use special frequencies & encryption, so even though we are in the 21st century, utilities are just not as open as they should be… I have Flume (cloud), metermon (local), rtl433 (local), Sense (cloud), and numerous other devices (including some dead tech)… they all have their pros & cons… if you got questions, just ask, but here’s the start of your research…
Thank you. My power is a sensus/icon, gas is Itron open way riva g 500 “I happen to work for gas company and is encrypted” and water is Neptune r900. Thanks and that will be a good start for me!