Utility Meter didn't reset

I upgraded my HA docker to 2021.6.6, since then my utility_meter set to a daily cycle isn’t working, it looks like it tried to reset but then that exact same data reappeared immediately.

Any known issues?

state_class: measurement
last_reset: ‘2021-07-03T23:00:00.003373+00:00’
source: sensor.pow_power_in
status: collecting
last_period: ‘13.38’
meter_period: daily
unit_of_measurement: kWh
friendly_name: power_daily
icon: mdi:counter
device_class: energy


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You can’t use power sensors with the utility meter. Only energy sensors. Search the forum many people have made this mistake.

I have the same issue. It has been working fine for the past 6 months and then as of July 1st, no more daily resets and the monthly reset did not occur.

You do not have the same problem, unless you are using a power sensor instead of an energy sensor too.

There is a distinct lack of information in this topic.

What version of home assistant?

What type of installation?

Utility meter config?

Energy sensor config?

Energy sensor state history?

My utility meters are resetting at the end of the cycle:


I am using Home Assistant OS, core-2021.6.6.

@tom_l , Rest assured that I am using the proper energy sensor. What I am saying is since updating to the latest release of HA (2021.6.6) my utility meter stoped resetting each day and for the month change from June to July. It worked prior to the .6 release and for every other release since the beginning of the year.

Then you probably dont have the same issue. cspiby is using a power sensor.

I just checked my monthly cycle utility meters, all six of them reset on the 1st of July.