Utility meter does not count every change

I am using the Skoda Integration to get some information from my car - one is the value from the Odometer with the km range.

To get a more detailed Statistic, I have added some utility meter helpers - which should count the km per day, week, month, etc.


Now I’ve noticed, that the utility meters sometimes do not count all km - the last km “gefahrene km (Jährlich)” - km yearly - should be equat to the top value…

the value in the green block should be 29 km…

I beleive, this happens, when the sensor becomes “unknown” - which does happen sometimes, when the integration cannot connect to the API or the car does probably not provide the information atm.

When the “main sensor” comes back, the km counter might has changed - but it seems, that this change will then not be counted by the helpers.
Should I setup the “Delta Value” option to prevent that, or is there any other option that I can set up to fix this behave?
