I have several Xiaomi zigbee sockets with power monitoring but the utility_meter does not seem to like the one connected to my server rack.
The last 24hrs shows fairly constant use between 150 ~ 170w.
However, the daily and monthly store is way off.
113.15 Watts for the day is not right when the use is ~166Wh, ~3,984Wh for a 24hr period. Here is the code which is the same as my five other xiaomi sockets that are all reporting their values correctly.
source: sensor.xiaomi_server_power
cycle: daily
source: sensor.xiaomi_server_power
cycle: monthly
friendly_name: Server Consumption
value_template: "{% if states.switch.server %}
{{ states.switch.server.attributes.load_power }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}"
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
So they question is. Why would just one utility_meter be off when the data appears to be getting into HA?