Value Template for json curl response


I am trying to extract the state of a relay on my Suprema BioEntry W2 using the ‘new’ Biostar 2 API

when running the command

curl -kX POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "bs-session-id: apikeyhere" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"monitoring_permission\": true}"

I get the response:


I have tried with my value template set as a number of things, ending up at:

      value_template: '{{ DoorStatusCollection.rows.door_id.1.unlocked == "false" }}'

But it is still not working :frowning:

Can anybody help me to understand this please?

value_template: '{{ value_json["DoorStatusCollection"]["rows"][0]["unlocked"] == "false" }}'

Paste your json response on the right in this tool and drill down on the left to check the path:

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Thank you so much ! its working now :slight_smile:

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