Value_template: > has any limitation for 6 lines?

I make such a template sensor, if more than 6 lines then Markdown card instead of information shows Unknown
I made the same lines to avoid the error.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "RGB лед лент"
      value_template: >
          kabinet_dver_wi_fi: R{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[0] }}, G{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[1] }}, B{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[2] }}<br>
          kabinet_dver_wi_fi: R{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[0] }}, G{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[1] }}, B{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[2] }}<br>
          kabinet_dver_wi_fi: R{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[0] }}, G{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[1] }}, B{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[2] }}<br>
          kabinet_dver_wi_fi: R{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[0] }}, G{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[1] }}, B{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[2] }}<br>
          kabinet_dver_wi_fi: R{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[0] }}, G{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[1] }}, B{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[2] }}<br>
          kabinet_dver_wi_fi: R{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[0] }}, G{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[1] }}, B{{ state_attr('light.kabinet_dver_wi_fi', 'rgb_color')[2] }}<br>

A state cannot be longer than 255 characters.

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snap @Mayhem_SWE just beat me

but you can add to the

attributes: Dont think thats a Limited Feild

It is but it is a much bigger limit, 65,536 characters if IRC.

Is this a joke or is there an actual attribute to the limit increase ?