Hi there,
since it’s possible to control my ventilation on percentage it’s time to optimize my home-ventilation.
I hope that you can help me forward with to topics:
- Currently the output of the Fan is static: if hum > X then output fan is Y. I would like to change that in a dynamic solution: if hum > 70, then output Fan is eg. 50 + 0,5 humidity (sensor.badkamer_2)
- In my current config the fan wil be activated at a fixed setpoint (73% hum). I would like to relate this point to another sensor (sensor.woonkamer) to prevent that the fan will be activated to to weather conditions outside the bathroom.
I hope that you understand these challenges and can help me with nice solutions.
My current (flawless working :)) configuration
- alias: Badkamer ventilatie
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.badkamer_2
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.toilet
to: 'on'
- service: fan.turn_on
entity_id: fan.mechanische_ventilatie
- service: fan.set_percentage
entity_id: fan.mechanische_ventilatie
speed: >
{% set hum = trigger.to_state.state | float %}
{% if hum < 73 and is_state('binary_sensor.toilet', 'off') %} off ##the 73 should be replaced by sensor.woonkamer + 5##
{% elif hum < 73 and is_state('binary_sensor.toilet', 'on') %} 60 ##The 60 should be (50+ 0.5*sensor.badkamer_2)##
{% elif hum < 80 and is_state('binary_sensor.toilet', 'on') %} 60
{% elif hum < 80 and is_state('binary_sensor.toilet', 'off') %} 30
{% elif hum < 95 or is_state('binary_sensor.toilet', 'on') %} 90
{% else %} 90
{% endif %}
I hope you could guide me in the good direction.
Kind regards,