It’s large enough and has two ears that I can use to hang it in the balcony above.
But this is a waterproof box and I assume the power supply won’t like that.
My idea is to mount it in this gap so the box will be exposed to the elements.
Anyone have an idea what I can do.
I’m not allowed to drill in the wall or the balcony above.
So the only other option to get it further in is to suspend a wire along the length of the balcony that I can hang the box in.
Which is perfectly doable, but would prefer to have “out of sight”
First thing, go get a power supply, that is suitable for your project. The LED strip should never be that long, that you would need 25A. If the strip needs that kind of power, you def. need to separate things and go with two or more power supplies that provide the power in different locations to the strip.
Putting 25A on these extra small lines inside an LED strip is kind of “desaster in the making”.
That brings me back to your “suitcase”. Get one, that is oversized. The more air can at least circulate inside that box, the better. If I were you, I’d choose a big box and work with the smallest power supply I could get.
And no need to drill, there are fantastic glues out there, that are way better than drilling. So I’d move it under the balcony from above, to get it out of the rain.
Why would I need multiple power supplies?
I will however inject at multiple places along the strip.
Each side of the strip has two positive and two negative.
I could inject in the middle also but I don’t think it’s necessary.
Not sure about big box or the glue.
Big box is very ugly, I have some doubts on that.
And glue might be great but if it fails then it will rip everything down.
I would rather use wires, we already have wires along the other three sides of the balcony.