Multiple controllers are not supported. Creating two instances of the plugin wouldnt really work either since the pyvera library only supports 1 controller I believe. If this is something you are really interested in I could possibly make the changes to pyvera & homeassistant, but I wouldnt be able to test them so you’d have to be comfortable building both from a github branch and testing it yourself.
It would be very useful to me to have two Vera controllers and I could probably manage the GitHub portion but I think that would be a rather selfish approach from myself.
I can achieve what I need by other round about workings - either making all of my needed devices reside (or be mirrored) in one Vera or get them into HomeAssistant another way, via MQTT perhaps.
No-one else has ever asked for this so don’t spend any time on it just for me. I really appreciate that you responded though.