Hi , today Verisure applied (without warning) 2 factor authentication on my users. leading to HA failure.
I could remove the 2FA in verisure Mypages but still my HA integration is no longer working
here the log
Setup failed for verisure: Integration failed to initialize.
10:51:45 – setup.py (ERROR)
'Could not log in to verisure, Invalid response, status code: 504 - Data:
504 Gateway Time-out
The server didn’t respond in time.
10:51:45 – Verisure (ERROR)
Waiting on integrations to complete setup: verisure
10:51:44 – bootstrap.py (WARNING)’
anyone an idea to solve or have the integration handle the 2FA?
seems verisure services had problems , their app was also some time available, now everything seems to work again (without 2FA of course)
I’ve just received an email from Verisure saying they will enable the two-factor authentication, but I also think I’m able to disable it, but it would be nice if the integration could be updated to handle the new authentication process.
It’s always a smart move to have a separate HA user with restricted rights, that will limit the damage if someone gets your login credentials, but a implementation of 2fa is better.
So far it’s possible to deactive 2fa, however i think this option will be removed soon.