Very large energy spike issues

I keep having very large energy spikes with the energy dashboard that are false positives. From what I can see others on Redditt and within the forum have seen the same issue.

When I go look at the device it reports the kWh at the low rate it should so it does not look to be the device as far as I can tell.

Deep Freezer shows only 3.55kWh used

Energy Dashboard shows huge spike.

Anyone know a resolution?

Fix the source sensor

Device restart?

I can try but others have ran into the same issue and does not seem to be the sensors as the sensor data does not show the spike, it only shows 3.55 kWh.

Filter it with a template

This happens with me when I restart an energy/power measuring device (shelly) twice within an hour. HA apparently resets the increase-only measurement, after which it gets the old (huge) amount again from the device.

I put a filter in place and then added that filter to the energy dashboard which looks to have resolved it. Give it a try for your “Shelly” device.

- platform: filter
    name: "Deep Freezer Energy Filtered"
    entity_id: sensor.deep_freezer_energy_kwh
      - filter: outlier
        window_size: 10
        radius: 5.0