Very strange behaviour for Google Home HA integration

Hello community, this issue are literally driving me crazy. I have several lamps in my HA configuration, all are Sonoff (mqtt) and Yeelight. Everything works perfect from HA GUI and worked also with Google Home (switch on/off via voice). I didn’t change anything in my HA config (HA 0.70.1 but I also revert to 0.69.1 to be sure). Well, from some days if I ask Google Home to Switch on a specific light, it just switch on everithing configured in HA itself… But this happens only for a few lights. Below an example, the room name is in Italian, in that example there are sonoff devices, but this happens also with Yeelight.
If I ask to switch on “Cameretta” or “Lampada Whisky” HA and GH do the job as expected, but if I ask to switch on the other 2 lamps, HA will switch on all the configured lights.

Here the response from GH: You see? i ask a specific light, and Google Home switch ON 20 devices!!!

Could someone help before I go out of mind? This is very strange behaviour!!! And I tried everything (rollback HA, disconnect/connect on Google Home App, etc…)

Well, it seems it’s a Google Cloud issue. I seen several people with the same bahaviour…

Maybe Cucina is seen also as a room name?

Nope, it worked till last days. It’s confirmed is a Google issue at least here in Italy. Many people on facebook Google groups have reported the same crazy issue and not only related to HA. Many people use the Google Home app with linked Yeelight account and they’re facing the same problem.