Very unstable connection with Broadlink RM4 mini

Good morning!
I started playing around with Home Assistant since a couple of weeks, and I bought a Broadlink RM4 Mini some days ago.
I noticed that is often very slow in responding at commands (being them “learn_command” or “send_command”), and sometimes it does not respond at all.
I then added a ping binary sensor to trace it, and I am noticing that it is often offline, you can see it from the screen below:

I tried to move it very close to the router but it doesn’t solve anything.
I’m reading in the forum that it may be a router problem, but I have a lot of other “normal” devices connected without problems (laptops, smartphones, even the raspberry itself), I don’t know if the RM4 can be any different.

Should I return it back, or is it a common/solvable problem?

Thank you

Yea I am starting to notice one of my rm3 mini is having a hard time staying connected. It had been working fine for quite sometimes and a few days ago seeing errors device is offline.

I have 3 Broadlinks total. The furthers one (rm4 pro & rm3 mini) works fine. The 3rd rm3 mini is the closest to the router and that has been showing offline in the log. I was trying to add a VAP in my router settings and after a reboot of router, I started to see this error.