I’ve been wrecking my brain what caused my CPU to go from 10% average to 35-40% yesterday late evening. I since narrowed it down to using the Viaplay app on my ShieldTV pro. Amazon Prime Video app on the same ShieldTV - nothing wrong. Stream Viaplay - havoc. Now again.
I have no Viaplay or ShieldTV integration. Is there even such a thing? I have tried disabling both Chromecast and Android TV remote integrations. Does not help. Rebooting the ShieldTV does not help. Casting Viaplay from my phone seems fine. I have no Android TV integration using ADB. Anyone ever seen anything similar and/or have a clue how an app running on Android TV could cause HA to be so busy?
Amazon Prime streaming uses way more bandwidth without any glitch, so that shouldn’t be it. I have 1Gb glass and same speed ethernet to both HA and the ShieldTV pro.