Viessmann only warm water mode


in the vicare app i have the option to switch to “only warm water”. But in the viessmann homeassistant integration there is no mode or service to put vicare into this mode from homeassistant. Is it possible to integrate this ?

  username: !secret VICARE_EMAIL
  password: !secret VICARE_PASSWORD
  name: Vicare-Heizung
  heating_type: gas
  scan_interval: 120

You want to have warm water, but no heating? On the device itself you turn on party mode (which turns on heating snd warm water) and turn it off immediately after (which turns off heating but let warm water on). You might want to try that.

Which mode is the party mode on homeassistant ?

When I go on party mode at the device and Look into HA this changed:

active_vicare_program: comport

Where do you see this attribute? I dont have this „ active_vicare_program“

okay many thanks found it out now:

service: vicare.set_vicare_mode
entity_id: climate.vicare_heizung_heating
vicare_mode: dhw

this worked

@gomble : Could you please make a example how and where you use this script:
service: vicare…
In Automation? Template?
Thanks ins advance

Thanks, got it. Sometimes to many trees…:wink: