Virtual Button from HA to Hubitat Virtual Button

I setup some virtual buttons in Hubitat thinking it would be accessible for Home Assistant like an other device… But that doesn’t seem to be true. It only looks like I can see events if it is pressed on the hubitat side. It doesn’t appear that I can control it from Home Assistant.

I tried searching but I only found solutions for physical buttons transiting between the two and from the Hubitat to HA direction.

Does anyone have some advice or work arounds? All I can come up with is using a virtual dimmer and trigger hubitat automations via virtual dimmer level, but that would be a lot of work. :slight_smile:

Appreciate it!

I think we don’t have enough info.

What is your virtual button? How does it communicate with home assistant?

It is a Hubitat “Virtual Button,” set to one button. It communicates via the Hubitat integration: GitHub - jason0x43/hacs-hubitat: A Hubitat integration for Home Assistant

FYI, for anyone wondering. What I ended up doing is creating virtual switches instead with an auto off that can be set for each device in Hubitat to turn off automatically after turning on after 1500 ms. Then I created input button helpers in home assistant to trigger an automation. The automation accepts the button state change and outputs a turn on command to the Hubitat virtual switch. Hubitat then runs the hubitat automation based on a trigger that sees the state change of the switch.
