Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Integration

Hi, are you using the dev release or the main/master/HACS release?

When you set the zone to Gas this does not change the sensor device type itself, just the zone that it’s assigned to.

If you use the very latest dev release (I’ve just uploaded dev release to Github) then grab the diagnostics file again and it should tell me the id of the unknown/incorrect sensor so I can check it.

If you’re using the main release then I’ll need a full debug Home Assistant log file with logger settings as defined on my wiki.

I downloaded the dev version. Im sending you the log file obtained under the sensor.

link to json file

Hi, I have a zwave movement sensor, I wanted to do an automation if the alarm was armed and a movment detected turn on the siren until do a disarm of the panel. I’m not being able to do it. I did and automation as following:

alias: Siren ouptut ON
description: " If movement detected sound siren on as intruder "
  - type: motion
    device_id: 282f2b77e1e8f95caa7ab8b9cb09ce00
    entity_id: 0f0111607219ea3403a5b9c225f30d7e
    domain: binary_sensor
    trigger: device
  - condition: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm
    state: armed_away
  - sequence:
      - action: siren.turn_on
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
mode: single

type or paste code here

type or paste code here

You are not able to do this and it does say this on the wiki and forum, only PowerMaster panels support siren trigger

Sorry and thank you for your time.

Having looked at your latest json diag file there’s nothing that I can do, the sensor in zone 5 is reporting its type (sid) as 106, the same as zones 1, 2 and 3. This sid=106 is the key piece of information. The sid is the same for all 4 sensors, it reports itself as a Flood Sensor.

I suggest that you override its device type in Home Assistant itself as there’s nothing that I can do.

Hi new here. I have a PowerMax Pro here in the US since 2011 and it is working fine using the local land line only. Been thinking of ways to access it thru wifi or buying a new PowerMaster 30 G2 but would need all new sensors. $$. Also I see it can be accessed thru my Hubitat but I want to try this way first.

Do I have to buy a Home Assistant Green hub to start with then install HACS?

You can set up and run Home Assistant on many different hardware and operating systems: Windows PC, Linux, docker containers etc. I run my main HA on a Synology server in a docker container for example, but I used to run it on a Raspberry Pi. Over the past year or so HA have created all-in-one setups such as the HA Green Hub, that simply helps users who are not technically able to do it themselves. So I can’t answer your question, use the hardware and OS that you are familiar with, you could install a test setup on your home PC/laptop/RasPi/Mac just to try it and then delete it. Just download the latest HA and install it, it’s that easy.

Once you get HA setup then you can install HACS as an Integration.

EDIT: Forgot to answer about the Visonic Panel stuff. I’m in the same situation, my main visonic is PowerMax and it works for me but I’ll eventually upgrade to PowerMaster … probably. You will need to buy a piece of hardware and fit it inside your panel to use my integration, please see the wiki page on it.