Hi Guys
So I recently started trying out ESPHome and I am really impressed with it. So much so that I have started to convert many of my devices to ESPHome.
Now I thought I understand ESPHome config reasonably well but I am having a weird issue when I try my home grown ESPHome config on a Vivitar HA-1007-AU power board.
The issue I am having is that when I run my ESPHome config (see at the end of this post) on the board all the relay’s seem to be switching ok, all the status LEDs seem to be working as expected however instead of full mains voltage on the power points on the board I only get in the order of 30 V A/C… Putting tasmota back on this power board shows proper mains voltage again when switched on … What gives.
I based my ESPHome config on the Taasmota template for the Vivitar HA-1007-AU and on the the Tasmota template config of working HA-1007-AU.
The ESPHome config that is giving me grief is below. I’d love to know what I have missed or done wrong…
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO01
inverted: true
name: Button
- switch.toggle: socket1
- switch.toggle: socket2
- switch.toggle: socket3
- switch.toggle: socket4
- switch.toggle: usb
- platform: status
name: Status
- platform: gpio
name: Socket 1 Relay
pin: GPIO04
inverted: True
id: socket1
- platform: gpio
name: Socket 2 Relay
pin: GPIO13
id: socket2
inverted: True
- platform: gpio
name: Socket 3 Relay
pin: GPIO12
inverted: True
id: socket3
- platform: gpio
name: Socket 4 Relay
pin: GPIO14
inverted: True
id: socket4
- platform: gpio
name: USB Relay
pin: GPIO16
id: usb