VLC addon not playing streams no more

Since an update around half a year ago my VLC player addon is not playing Internet Radio streams no more.
First I thought as I’m surely not the only one playing Internet radio streams over this add-on it happened by mistake and will be sorted out in the near future.
But as there were so many updates now in between it looks like “it’s not a bug - it’s a feature”
Is there a reason to deny the VLC the internet access and could I permit it again? Local files it plays like a charm, but my preferred solution would be to play the radio streams again.
Does nobody has the same problem? Because I see nobody else complaining regarding that change.
The streams are like normal in .pls files, just http://ip:port and it worked before completely like with any other VLC player…
The pls files didn’t change, the HA Raspberry has Internet access like before, I’m a bit lost…

Nobody else has a problem with that?