Power plugs provide power sensor data only once in 2 mins

Hello folks,

I bought two Vocolinc VP3 power plugs mainly to measure energy consumption. I already have Vocolinc PM5. The problem is that PM5 returns data from power sensor immediately when the power consumption changes, while the newer and cheaper VP3 only once in two minutes.

The difference is significant, especially when you want to measure consumption of your work desk that is surrounded by a lot of equipment taking different amount of energy every second.

Have you experienced something like that? Is there a way how to force the device to provide the data more often?

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Exactly the same for me, hope someone can help, how to trigger the hardware.

I asked the manufacturer; no response and they have responded me in history quite quickly… I have some Tuya plugs on the way from China, one TP-Link as well. However, I have just configured all my lights in powercalc and as the integration does not contain all bulbs from all vendors, I wanted to measure mine and contribute on github. Another significant problem is that most plugs tend to begin measuring around 2,5W. Shelly Plug S is capable to return numbers down to 0,15W or even less.

I also contacted the manufacturer, the answer was:
„switch the APP page and then switch back to the energy consumption page to display the update.“

Think the change was a bit earlier but also around a minute.

So I firstly received exactly the same sentence from the support as you, then I tried to ask them quite directly saying that “these answer the community already knows”. This is what they replied:

“…yes, for the device, In fact, it is the same, so you just used automation, which should be triggered by changes in power consumption. However, if the power does not change in real time, it cannot be triggered in time.”

Have you tried to switch the plug to measure something where you normally see quick refresh? I will try to put them in a series to measure the same appliance.

I tried them in series behind washing machine. Quite clear they do not function similarly:

TP-LINK TAPO P110 behave similarly to VOCOLINC VP3

Meanwhile I installed the shellyplug S in front of my computer and there I get an update every 10 sec.
So much better but I would like to have an update every 2 sec.

Install esphome and set the update_interval to 2s :tada:

Wait, you can control shelly plug with esphome integration for home assistant?

If you install esphome on the shelly plug YOU CAN :raised_hands: