Voice Assistant and response URL is always https causing lags

Hi, after playing with Voice Assistant, I started digging into “why the lags on responses?”. Then I realized all responses point to the external nabucasa URL over https.

The ESP handles media files over https poorly compared to using http. A small test was to put a chime.mp3 to my local webserver so I could point to http://my_ip/media/chime.mp3 for on_wakeword_detected. The effect was surprisingly better than expected - the chime is immediate compared to using https (took several seconds).

Now, I can use the local webserver for fixed sounds like wakeup, error, timer etc but for the responses, it seems to be hardcoded to use the external URL which is “needed”. I prefer to have the NabuCasa cloud services rather than other services with port forwarding etc.

Anybody with ideas, resolutions or is this something the dev team need to look at?