I just got a Voice Assistant PE und have some trouble with too many false positives with wakewords.
I have seen people talk about similar issues here on the forum, but to my knowledge there was no definitive answer on how to modify configurations of the microWakeWord.
Is this even possible?
As far as i understand, the microWakeWord addon runs directly on the hardware? So is there a way to configure it remotely? Like using the ESPHome addon to connect to the device and edit the yaml there?
Is there an easier way? Or is the configuration set in stone for now?
Maybe somebody can point me in the right direction here.
In the HA UI goto settings and devices, and you should find your VAPE there. Here you should see “Configuration” card where you can change the “Wake word”.
Thanks! I know about those settings.
What i wanna do is change how microWakeWord reacts to the it. Not the word itself.
Things like “trigger level” or “threshold” - like i can on the openWakeWord addon.
Read the docs – there are some knobs to adjust, but they’re pretty limited. And because of hardware limits, they’re compiled in. You need to build custom firmware to change any of them:
If you have the infrastructure to do it, you can also just reconfigure them to use openwakeword.