Does anyone else have this issue? The configuration discovers the volumio installation withous issues. The media_player entity shows up and works fine but once a day the media_player looses connection but the volumio is still running and I can make REST calls to it and the web gui works fine. the Music player deamon service is running fine on the volumio. If I schedule a reboot on the volumio once a night the player seems to keep going fine. Nothing obvious with journalctl on the volumio either. The power adapter to my RBPi 3B delivers sufficient power. Any thaughts on what could cause it?
I have two Volumio players connected.
Just did a test after reading your post. I was not using Volumio for two weeks now, as I was very busy with other things.
Volumio’s both still displayed the last song played two weeks a go, on pause, exactly, as suposed.
Selected a song and it started playing.
So I can say for sure, I had two weeks of stable connection and none of functionality got lost… Working stable here. (Volumio’s are both last version of Volumio 3 Premium)
Three Volumio Pi’s connected here (one v3, two v2, all on a free account), and no issues at all for any kind of disconnection. Use at least two of them daily, and never any issues at all.
are you guys using wifi or ethernet on the volumino?
how have you added the volumio device? through auto discovery or manually with ip?
my device showed up as media_player.volumio_upnp_av
using LAN on one, WiFi on the second, using Volumio integration.
The v3 and one v2 on wifi, the other v2 on ethernet.
All added via auto discovery as they were detected fine.
Mine show up as (for example) mediaplayer.radiopizero
and mediaplayer.radiopizero_upnp_av
The former is from Volumio, the latter via UPnP. So it sounds like for some reason your Volumio integration isn’t detecting the devices and only the UPnP/IGD (DLNA) one is doing so?
sounds correct, I only have the upnp mediaplayer, nothing else… I’ll try to readd
Seems like I got more features when I added volumio manually per ip, almost like the upnp discovery wasnt fully finished. Now I can also work the volume correctly wich was very glitchy before and I can also see the source wich is all my playlists in this case! I guess I can throw my REST call-scripts. If this only can remain connected and stable
I had the same problem, loosing the volumio functionality in HA after some time again and again…
For me, it is now very stable, after I disabled the hotspot in volumio.
To be exact:
I had allways a wired connection to Volumio. But wifi still active, but not configured. I now disabled hotspot and wifi completly on my Volumio. And now all things are very stable for weeks.
I have lost connection with auto-discovery. How to add the players with manual IP at my condifguration.yaml?