Hi @thomas_be. I will take a look throughout the day.
Ok @thomas_be .
I take a look later on today…
It was quicker done as expexted. So now is it completed…
Just wanted to say thank you for the work you’ve put into this integration - it works like a charm!
Ohh, I’ll double check!!
US is officially supported now!
How many entities u get with the EX30?
Upgrade to 1.2.0
Restarted HA now it shows Failed to setup, check logs for both my cars
Where can I find the logs to see what causes the problem?
Pressing the Configure button gives me this:
Config flow could not be loaded: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble
It’s because the external host that serves some data is down (again). I’ve just released a new version where an additional host is added for better reliability. Installing v1.3 should fix it.
Logs can be found in the general HA logs.
Hello @thomas_be.
I would like to change a few text’s of the swedish translation. When I see it in it contex, then we should use some other words. But I dont see how I could correct it on Lokalize. (I have tested here in my local installation, so I know it works and look like).
Solved with the new update, thank you!
You should be able to edit the Swedish translation in Lokalise. If you don’t find the entry, you could try entering the “wrong” value in the search box.
Follow up question: the Norwegian language code is wrong, so I’d like to release a new version. Preferably I include your changes with it. Any idea when you could update the translation?
No worries if you can’t finish it any time soon. Then I’ll just publish another release when you are done.
Thanks @thomas_be for this great integration. French translations added for your next release !
I try to make the changes later on this evening…
I have now made my changes …
I’m coming back regarding the key “average_energy_consumption”.
My opion is that it should have end text kWh/100km, because it’s a “compare value” like the key “average_fuel_consumption”. This should be valid if you have chosen “L/100 km” in the setup units.
Valid point! It also made me realise that the value is probably wrong when the unit is miles.
@thomas_be Yep, you where correct, It did work for me in the US. Just got it setup
Good to know! Same here, EX30 smer