Wall tablet to control music - Holiday project

First post, thought I would share a project I did over the holidays with a cheap Lenvo M9 tablet I found on Amazon.

We have a few echos around the house connect to external speakers. Issue has been to find a family friendly way to interact and load music onto these devices easily. Designed a very simple interface with conditions to show the different devices, including a group where the speakers are linked in Amazon.

The interface shows what is currently playing on the device and a simple text field to enter the artist/song you wish to play. As we use Apple Music, found the text box was the simplest solution and it works with speech recognition so the kids love using it. The buttons below the song selection window, the Play button changes to Pause depending on the condition of the echo status. There is also automations behind some of the selections to turn the external speaker amps on when the devices are selected, so they do not stay on for long periods when no music is being played.

Also installed Fully Kiosk, after reading up on the forums, found this was the best option to trigger the screen on and off, with facial recognition and turns the screen off at night.

For charging, we purchased a smart inline plug from Bunnings, which triggers when the power of the tablet gets below 20%, https://www.bunnings.com.au/deta-grid-connect-smart-plug-base_p0098817

This has been a successful holiday project which the family can now enjoy music easily, without dealing with all the technical requirements behind the scenes :wink:

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Bunnings, Paul Kelly, must be an Australian!

Well done, including the music taste :slight_smile:

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