Want to link HA to Google Home via static IP instead of Dynamic DNS

Edit: Nevermind. Went the Cloudflare route as much more secure :slight_smile:

Hey team,

In light of the ongoing issues with DuckDNS, I’d like to link HA with Google home via my static IP instead of DuckDNS.

I’ve gone through the original instructions I used to set it up with DuckDNS, and done some googling but am having a hard time adapting the instructions to a. use my static IP, and b. generate the SSL cert with Let’s Encrypt.

Is anyone aware of a guide that’ll help me to achieve this? I’ve had regular issues with DuckDNS and this latest bout that started a day or two ago really is the last straw. I’m so over hearing my Google Assistant tell me the HA is unavailable all the time :frowning:

Thanks in advance.