I am trying to write an automation script for my washing machine (and later dishwasher) to broadcast when it’s done. Right now it WILL do that, however, I would like to script to add conditions. As in, if we start it at 10pm, I do not want it to broadcast at 1am.
I have seen some people in this forum have complex scripts to account for power and lack of power during cycles.
Looking at the triggers I see one for “type: device.state.RunCycle” and “state: currentTotalRemainingTime”. I am trying to set the remaining time to 1 second using this:
- type: device.state.RunCycle # For devices that have an ongoing duration for their operation which can be queried.
# Devices like these will report their total number of cycles at the start of operation, and each cycle the device is currently in while running.
state: currentTotalRemainingTime
is: 00:00:01
device: sulWashingMachine - Laundry Room
However it says there is an error:
The value should be Duration String but is [00:00:01] instead. The expected formats are [HHhoursMMminSSsec; HHhrsMMminutesSSseconds; MMminutes].
Not sure what it expects for the format? I looked around and saw others using a format like this.