Watch /backup Folder (Errors wirh folder_watcher)

I want to track the backup folder /backup for later use in automation.
So I added this to configuration.yaml

  - folder: /backup

i got this error:

Invalid config for [folder_watcher]: not a directory for dictionary value @ data[‘folder_watcher’][0][‘folder’]. Got ‘/backup’. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 180).

Adding this to configuration did not help

    - /backup


Not a directory @ data[‘allowlist_external_dirs’][0]

So I SSH into home assistant cd /backup and I see the contents of the folder, so where’s the problem?
Doing all this with /config works fine and there are no errors.

did you find a solution ? i got the same problem :-/

Unfortunately, no

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I just ran into the exact same issue - any hints?

Unfortunately, no