Water Softner system SOLUCALC has electric pulse output on chip

I have a water softner at home (SOLUCALC)
This system has a computer chip with 4 exit pins on it. (as shown on the picture at the bottom of the chip)

My question now as it says “pulse OUT value” do you think I can just plug in some cables/pins and read this values out with an arduino/PI or will it be more difficult then that.

What integration would I need to read this.

I searched the net to find some technical documentation but i’m afraid they don’t share this on their website.

On monday I will call the company hoping they can share some technical info with me.

Kind regards

It’s looking promising and may well be simple.

I think it says valve not value.

I suspect the pulse is for water and valve is for gas?

As a first step I would check voltage across each pair with a multimeter?

It may well output a simple binary output signal you can use with a pulse counter (use ESPHome with an ESP32). Or perhaps it could be a more complex protocol like uart.

Actually I think I’m mistaken. Looks like a pulse valve is a type of valve. So I guess it could be for controlling one too… Could be 4 pin uart.

Hi Jérémy, I have the same unit and I wonder if you were able to make any progress to integrate the unit with HA. Thanks