Waze_travel_time, destination coming from calendar - incorrect distance

So just to give you some information on what I’m trying to achieve:

  • Grab calendar entry
  • Check destination
  • Use waze_travel_time to get me travel time from where I am to the destination
  • Tell me when I need to leave
  • Based on this run some automations like heating the porch etc.
  • Then do the same in reverse so check where my meeting ends, how long it will take me to get home and prep home for arrival

The bit I am struggling with is the waze_travel_time. I have it working fine for fixed locations:

- platform: waze_travel_time
  name: Michal to home
  origin: person.michal
  destination: zone.home
  region: EU
  vehicle_type: car
  scan_interval: 120

That works fine and gets me the time

When I try to do:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Michal's Destination"
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('calendar.xxcalendarnamexx', 'location') }}"

- platform: waze_travel_time
  name: Home to meeting
  origin: zone.home
  destination: sensor.michal_destination
  region: 'EU'
  vehicle_type: car

I get:

Duration 1315.9666666666667
Distance 2275.403
Route xxxStrange roads, look like continental europe and I'm in UKxxx
Origin xxlong lat coordsxx
Destination xxName as appears in calendar entryxx

The same route in reverse, using zone.home and person.Michal is 13 minutes
If I use Waze app itself and punch in the destination as appears in my calendar it works fine

I tried different things with the destination but had no luck and I can’t find anything on the forums.
I did see some threads about problems with finding addresses but can’t seem to find a solution while surely people must be using similar automations to calculate leave times etc. Unfortunately most that I’ve seen use predefined zones like work school etc and I need to feed it from the calendar and it appears as an address there.

Any luck with this?

I have also still this issue…