Hi guys!
All of my automations disappeared from the User Interface for some reason. They are all in the automations.yaml file but dont show up in GUI and cant be edited there.
I tried removing everything from the automations.yaml file and created a new automation, same thing, its not shown in the list, but added to the yaml file.
Any idea whats wrong there?
Update: Thanks for all tips given but nothing worked. Had to load the last backup and everything is back to normal now.
check your logfiles first, and ofcause do a “mandatory” Reboot, of your server, and again check your logfiles if it persist , no more guessing contests on this Topic Please
Not a guess, honest - just an observation. 
On my system the GUI always begins by saying “We couldn’t find any…” etc. The same with scripts. The list of automations/scripts appears after a second or two. This has been the case for some time.
Ok, i’ve never noticed, just checked again(peakin in the gui) … fast listing, however i don’t have huge lists
The thing is when the list is loaded, it go through i.e automation.yaml + every additional automation-files you reference in configuration.yaml ( if you have i.e !include_dir_ ), could be the cause of your latency
Also, it don’t just “list” it checks every “Automation Entries”
And lately(month, not only after latest update) it seems like several people have experienced the same as OP, it seems like that, if any automation is faulty it doesn’t load them into the gui.
references in i.e a template, script (to an i.e faulty automation) which are loaded(the temp/scrp) , might also be a source of this “effect” , “Automations not loaded into gui”
Common for the 4-5 cases i’ve seen lately ( No logfiles attached , initially, …1 case OP reported back , as he found CLEAR evidence to an automation for an integration he had removed !) … i know yours an observation
, i assume you (so far) can live with the latency, thou interesting observation, i would keep an eye on.
Now i will be waiting for your test-outcome, when you have i.e removed 2/3, to see whether it loads faster 
This probably isn’t the cause for anything prior to release 2024.5, but I found that anything typed in the search bar for automations can make them all disappear. It’s a silly mistake, but one I think people might find like me, after restoring a few times.