WearOS App - additional features request

The WearOS application is great. It was setup in a few minutes and I’m very happy with the current control.
I have some recommandation:

  • For now favorites can be set which are displayed on top of all rooms. It would be useful to be able to hide or order the rooms.
  • Visualisation of values from entities (capacity of home battery, solar production, etc…)
  • Control of climate

Hope other WearOS users joyn and give a +1

hiding the areas I can see being useful but reordering does not make sense for those as you can already re-arrange the favorites in the phone app.

as of now only things you can control are visible, however the app already offers entity state complication so you can view that data from the watch face directly

already an existing feature request for this


Thanks to read my post and think about it.

I agree favorites can be ordered but all rooms are visible and can’t be ordered. My request is to be able to manage the rooms (visible/hidden and re-order them).

Can you easily explain how to see entity state? Not the on/off state but for example the percentage of charge of my home battery…

Climate: didn’t know; thanks

you need to use a watch face that has complication support…then when you edit the watch face on the watch select a complication and then you can use Entity State to find your sensor

To be honest, this doesn’t ring a bell.
When I Google ‘watch face’ and ‘complication support’ and ignore the iPhone results I get an android developer link but this seems a complicated matter https://developer.android.com/training/wearables/tiles/complications

The only related thing I found is the ‘Wearable app’ where I can manage the layout of my watch. There are 2 ‘Complicate’ fields. These complicate fields can be configured ad ‘Home Assistent’ Entitystate.
When I select this option, I see ‘Entity / Example’ in my watch. Where should I select the entity I want to display?


its only visible when you edit the watch face, try a stock watch face if your current one doesnt offer any complications. each watchface is different here

Not sure what you are talking about with watch faces. But if you want to see the value of entities on your watch you just need to add a template tile through the companion app and configure which entities you wish to see

this lives in the watch face, tiles are separate and need to be swiped to get to

Yeah but if OP wants to see X amount of values way better to have on a template tile then watch face as you can only fit so much on a watch face. Where a template tile you can list a heap of values and only have to swipe to get to it.