Weather Card with Fahrenheit and Celsius

Hi, is anyone aware of a weather card that can display temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius at the same time? Or if not any other project/advice that makes displaying both easier?

Any help is appreciated!


What card are you currently using?

You may be able to simply use card_mod to add an additional field/sensor if there isn’t a dual sensor card available.

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Just the regular weather-forecast card. I have a look into card_mod. Thank youi

Something like this…

type: weather-forecast
entity: weather.forecast_home
forecast_type: daily
  style: |
    .temp-attribute .temp::after {
      content: "{{ ((state_attr('weather.forecast_home','temperature')-32)/(9/5))| round(0)}}°C";
      position: absolute;
      right: 110%;
      color: blue;