Weather forecast: Hour by hour?

Looking at the docs for dark sky ( is there a way to get an hour-by-hour forecast? Looking for something like you would find on something like

I see it in their API ( but can’t find a corresponding sensor.


Hey, did you get anywhere with this in the end? I see the Darksky weather component has hourly, but only seems to pull through the temperature and icons?

No, I didn’t. I ended up simply embedding an iframe on my ha-dashboard:

  # Generate your link -
  widget_type: iframe
  title: Radar
  refresh: 200
  frame_style: ""

Which was what I was wanting to use it for

The darksky API defaults to hour information (as I undestand it), I use the following;

# weather information platform
  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_api
    scan_interval: '01:00'

I then use a custom card to display the information of which there are a few examples in the forum.