WeatherFlow Tempest integration (core) UDP - different networks?


The new WeatherFlow intergration supposedly listens on a UDP port to get data broadcasted by Tempest hub.

Unfortunatelly, I run HA OS in KVM virtual machine (on my server) on network and the Tempest Hub is on IoT network Both networks are routed by Mikrotik RouterOS.

It seems that RouterOS cannot forward UDP broadcast packets between networks. I would prefer to keep the Tempest hub on a separate network (security reasons).

Is there any good solution for this problem?

P.S. So far, I have been using the HACS weatherflow integration, which gets data from WeatherFlow cloud.

No router can (should) forward UDP broadcasts. It is trivial to write a Python-based app running on a computer/server with LAN interfaces on both networks, that listens for UDP broadcasts for port 50222 on one interface and sends out modified UDP broadcasts on the other interface.

Obligatory disclaimer that I wrote the Weatherflow-UDP station driver for WeeWX, as well as the similar Atmocom-UDP station driver for WeeWX…

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