Webpage card not loading correctly on only one device

I use a kindle tablet in my kitchen that has a dashboard with a webpage card displaying a recipe server I host (mealie). I just updated the server to the latest version and now the webpage doesn’t load on this one tablet. The webpage works when opened in chrome on the same tablet. it also works in the dashboard on my laptop and cellphone. On this tablet the webpage partially loads, but a ton of the actual functionality is missing.

I have tried restarting the tablet, force stopping the home assistant app. Is there something I need to clear on the tablet to get it to work properly?

Have you tried to clear the frontend cache? It’s under the companion app settings.

I just went on a pretty frustrating journey. I couldnt figure out how to clear the “frontend cache” because as far as i can tell that setting doesnt exist within the companion app.

What did work was clearing the app cache in the android settings.

So for anyone stumbling upon this in the future… clear the app cache in the androind settings, not in the companion app.

Glad you’re sorted.

You definitely have the option on Android: HA > Settings > Companion App > Debugging > Reset frontend cache.

Maybe i am blind, but i dont see debugging as an option.