so there 2 things, 1) the main one. im trying to instal an add-on called Assistant relay from the add on store in supervisor ( GitHub - Apipa169/Assistant-Relay-for-Hassio: Send commands (including broadcasts) to the Google Assistant via Home Assistant ). everytime i press install i get the error message displayed below. im not sure whats causing this as i can still download other add ons and instal them. does anyone know why? ive tried doing a reset as well as shutting my RPi off for a while and trying again. the storage is nowhere near full and nothing else is close to full either.
- when i first tried to isntall this add on i went and deleted the repository to try again and in doing so it removed all the 3rd party add ons from the screen, cant even search them which has me concerned.
any info would be great. thanks