Weird notification in voice assistant, Wake Word doesn't work

Hi, I followed Networkchuck videos to setup HomeAssistant and Voice Assistant, with a bit of patience I managed to make almost everything work except for the wake word recognition, but if I click on the button to talk, the microphone works and I get a voice reply.
The weird thing is that I haven’t found anywhere in my research to solve this issue the notification I get in the Wake Word section of Voice Assistant: “More recent devices support on-device wake word engines and are configured on the device page”.
I installed the HA OS on Virtualbox in my host system, the Wyoming satellite on a Raspberry Pi 4, and Whisper, Piper and Ollama in Docker containers on my host system running Manjaro KDE. I already installed Openwakeword and Assist Microphone as addons.
I searched for hours and tried some possible solutions but nobody seems to have this exact issue: I tried installing Openwakeword with Mosquitto both on the RPi and my host, I tried a custom wake word and it doesn’t work either, I searched inside HA for potential misconfigurations, but nothing, one thing I was able to find is that the logs should say that the microphone is searching for the wake word when it isn’t (but it was a video from 1 year ago, I dunno if it should be the same rn).
I also wanna say that I’m new to Docker, and Docker-Compose is above my skill level for now, but if some of you can find a solution to make the Wake Word recognize with that I’m happy to copy/paste.
I don’t know if this is related but the RPi is the only device where even the Microphone doesn’t work, not recognizing anything I say when I press the button.
Thanks in advance!

You are offloading tts and stt. Is it working when you use tts and stt from HA?
Also, have a look at the installation of the satellite. It’s broken. Try the installation from here instead. And use a local wakeword from HA, these should work fine. I assumed the tutorial is ok for you. You did not mention if you are using a respeaker 2mic.

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Thank you for your answer, no I don’t use a respeaker 2mic but I noticed I lack the second part of the tutorial, I’ll try it and get back to you!

Ok, the tutorial you gave me didn’t work for me but I tried reflashing the sd card and retried with the other tutorial in the same docs folder on github, and finally my RPi can detect wake words! For now it only works for the RPi and not my host system (and I still have that weird message), but it’s already a big step forward, I could even leave it like this if I wasn’t so nit-picky. In any case you have my absolute gratitude, I’ll mark this as solved and see what I can do on my own for the rest of my devices, thanks again!

Great that it worked out for you! I’m sure the rest is solvable.
Also, play with the “prefer handling commands locally”.