Hello, i am a real beginner with HA, but i am starting to think theres something wrong with the hardware i am using… I installed hass io - the original instalation, without any extra OS, and after some time raspberry went really hot and it disconnected from the network like once a day. In that time, I thought it could be caused by some extensions, as i allready had HACS installed and some others, so i delted everything from the SD card and made a fresh install.
Now i dont have any extensions installed, it seems the pi isnt disonnecting from the network anymore, but the processor usage is weird and high(see picture above). I see the screenshots where people have like 6% and less processor usage and i have 60% without any tasks running and any extensions (only VS code extension is installed) …
I would like to check the tasks that are actually running on background but i dont know how to do it in hass io without any SSH sudo commands…
Please help:)