Well working av receiver, with HA

so folks i own an Onkyo 618 or something and fell victim to the texas instruments network chip desoldering. a warranty case, as i just discovered, but I noticed it way way to late, well, mine was always run in a well ventilated and cold environment with not much dust. so it lasted tooo long for claiming the warranty. nice of Onkyo to declain the case for being to old, needles to say I wont buy that brand again. while the sound was quite awesomely good, the rest was not.

now, but i do want to continue using my cinema, so I need a replacement.

i therefore would like to know what works well for you? and with ha?

i have a 5.1 cinema with beamer, and a second area (my flat, not the cinema) with 4 speakers that run in stereo.

so basically im looking for a device that handles 5.1 for my cinema from hdmi input coming from my kodi, going to the beamer, and offers me additional inputs so 8 can on the fly hook up a laptop for a presentation or locally stored content that i dont want in my network and such… or my gaming pc. it should takk dp, hdmi, vga, dvi, chinch, optical, usb… the usual suspects.

important would be that it also supports outputting to Bluetooth headphones without too much pain to make the sound go there. and not just one device but a pair… so we can watch movies while our kids sleep in our laps… that really was a PITA with the current setup. i ended up activating pass through and switch the Onkyo off and using bt from my kodi… but chaning that in kodi always pained me… and that was okay with one headphone. i never got it to work with two. so in the end we did not watch a lot of movies together… sucks.

and it also should handle my 4 speakers in “zone 2” as stereo.

i usually was playing some internet radio all day long, and in the evening the movies sound was all over my place, nice for when you go have a meeting with the ceramic goddess… :slight_smile: aka going to the loo.

in future i also want to use the ha integrated streaming stuff to start radio playback straight from my wall panels…

beside trance and techno i often listen to classical music. Bach, Beethoven etc. so i do prioritize high end sound quality above all else. sometimes i move my office desk into the cinema just to enjoy some good music on first class speakers and concert hall volumes while working away.

ive got gbit cable at the reciver’s location so preferably wired ethernet, not wifi. and i would like a fully functional ha integration and decent local network, while a cloud requirement is a no-go, i dont want to go grab a remote and i dont want it play ET phoning home… i dont want to have to put it onto my IoT LAN to jail it from WAN…

however its not going to stream anything from WAN, thats all handled through kodi or HA. HA is on 24/7 anyway.
