What addons/self-hosted stuff do you use?

Because English is not my mother language. If you prefer I write in perfect Italian and it will be fully understandable


Hopefully the mighty @frenck can look into this.

I installed Mattermost, is really really good software

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I guess yoi host it?
What do you use as Voice service?

Did you solve the push message? To me everything works but I donā€™t see the message notifications on my Android

I donā€™t use it for voice, and as for the push messages, it depends: do you only use Android? They have detailed instructions on running your own notification service, which is free for Android.

I run a mixed iOS+Android household, so having iOS notifications would have required being part of the Apple Developer Program, at 99$ a year.

Thus, I chose in the admin settings Mattermostā€™s own notification service, which seems to be a free bridge between your self-hosted instance and Google & Appleā€™s notification services. From what I see, Mattermost (the company) doesnā€™t get the content of your messages this way, all my notifications are of the type ā€œuser X has sent you a messageā€ until I enter the app.

I recommend also BigBlueButton

another, but well done, Voice and Video chat service self hosted.

From my understanding Matrix, Mattermost (?), and BugBlueButton also need a TURN server in order to make Voice calls

Started using Duplicati as well, seems quite decent, I use it for offsite whole-VM backup and backups of the daily XML exports from Confluence.

Iā€™ve also started using Statping, which seems like a decent uptime monitoring & analytics solution. It runs in its own Docker container, so an addon in the HASS.IO store would be great :slight_smile: It does have the disadvantage of not being able to notify if my actual VM is down, but for that healthchecks.io does the job. Thus, I moved my other checks to Statping for the extra analytics and only keep healthchecks.io for the situation in in which my main server instance is down.


For whoā€™s on RPI there is a duplicati add-on here: https://github.com/jhhbe/hassio-addons, while it is a bit slow on an RPI3B+ it does what it is supposed to do. I make a snapshot in hassio first and then have a duplicati job kicking in an hour later. Daily to local S3 storage, weekly to cloud.

Itā€™s based on https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/duplicati

Iā€™m sort of hoping @frenck would adopt this one but I didnā€™t dare asking so far.


Be careful relying on Duplicati for backups. It has failed me many times during my trials over the years. Currently trying to test it out to handle about 700gb of backups to an offsite storage, and one of the backup jobs refuses to back up new files. That backup job is about 450GB by itself, and it takes about an hour before the job just stops, with no real error as to why, and no new files are added to the repo.

I had it happen on a Windows machine a couple years back too. Corrupt database, and it would never recover the database to be able to finish backup jobs.

I have seen many complaints about it over the years. Just donā€™t rely on it as your only backup.


I see, then what would you recommend?

Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m old school, but this has always worked for me on any *nix system (using 7zip):

7za a -tzip -p[passord] -mem=AES256 backup.zip [path_to_backup]/*

Then I use rysnc (or lftp) to move it wherever I need to. :smiley:

This hasnā€™t ever failed me (aside from when the box I ran it on didnā€™t have internet access).

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That sounds good, but would backup only my Linux file system. I have Windows, in which I have Virtualbox, in which I have Ubuntu, so I need a solution that just transfers my VM images (and some other stuff that is found on the Windows file system).

I have been using Restic for a couple of years on my Linux desktop.

I recently switched to Vorta, which uses borgbackup on the backend, but thatā€™s only available on Linux.

Have a look at Restic and Duplicacy. I am currently running both of these to backup the user profiles from mine, my wifeā€™s, and my sonā€™s computers.

On Windows 10, thereā€™s the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that basically allows you to run Linux on Windows. With it, you have full access to the Windows filesystem. Pre-Windows 10, thereā€™s cygwin.

But, you could also accomplish the same thing with 7zip and the ftp command. Both work in .bat scripts. No Linux required.

The 7-Zip+.bat+native Windows OneDrive sync sounds great, might go for this until I spin up my own cloud storage, case in which Duplicacy looks great, even though it involves a little cost.

Thanks, yā€™all :slight_smile:

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Duplicacy command line is free and open source. The only cost is for the GUI.

I never heard of this! Woot! Another toy (tool) to play with! :smiley:

Have a look at Wasabi storage too. $5.99/month for 1TB of storage, no egress charges, and you can try it out for a month without providing a credit card. Encrypt and store to wasabi using Restic.

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I have a duplicati addon, as a matter of fact I tweeted about it about 1,5 ago. Never released it because I found it to be unreliable on lower end devices and confusing to set up (given the fact you are in a container).

Furthermore, it is a bit on the heavy side for what it does (thanks mono)

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I hope promoting my current (still rather early in development) project is welcome in this context:
Maybe itā€™s something a few people here might be interested in in the future.

Short description (the readme at the project gives some more insights):
Itā€™s a small Flask webapp that just displays a few buttons you can press. Pressing these buttons will send requests to your Home Assistant to fire automations based on webhook triggers.
The idea behind this is to provide others the option to fire automations without the requirement to have API access (like long lived access tokens) or a valid Home Assistant user.
In my case this will be used to allow my brother and his girlfriend to unlock the front door, but nothing else.

Security is my main concern in this case, which is why accessing the webapp requires a username, password AND authentication via one of the following:

  • WebAuthn (recommended because only paired devices can authenticate)
  • Time based OTP (like HASS has it, those rolling 6-digit codes)
  • A 64-character long one time password created by an admin for one single authentication

And because it uses webhook triggers the webapp itself doesnā€™t even need API access to Home Assistant. If one would host this app on some random server in the web and it got hacked, the hacker would only get access to the webhook IDs. So he couldnā€™t do more than fire the few configured triggers. Which obviously would be bad too. But much less bad than full API access.

Since Iā€™m new to Flask I invite people with Flask-experience to have a look at my code to find potential security issues, or just plain stupid things which only Flask-newbies would do. :+1:

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Is that a new type of Italian motorbike ? :rofl:

If not, it should be