I installed hassio with the dale3h installer on my RPI 3B (not plus)
Home assistant runs without problems as far as I can see.
I Installed SSH to, but cannot copy or modify a file in /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant
How and with what user do i have to change the permissions. SSH = set to port 22 and file-protocol to SFTP
I think the ‘dale3hinstaller’ is just Hassio onto of generic Linux correct?
Is you are ssh into your machine are you going to the host or the home assistant container? Your host likely grabbed port 22. You need to set the ssh add on to use another port. Say 222.
The samba add on is the easiest method to edit config files. Get a good text editor and edit them that way.
If you are looking to edit something on the host it’s not really a hHA question. If you want to edit other files in the HA container you likely don’t want to.