I currently have an ISY994i /ZW/IR Pro and an antiquated and failing URC MX-5000 w/ serial base station. The ISY is great for ZWAVE, Insteon, Elk, network commands, etc. and the URC stuff was great for audio/video and sending some basic http get requests but there wasn’t much integration between the two. The URC remote is failing so it’s time to get with the times! For the superior UI, I’m going to run HA on either my home server or a dedicated PI. Looking forward to getting all that stuff into one place finally and I sure HA will do that. What I don’t know is whether there is much benefit in upgrading the ISY 994i to an eISY /Polyglot v3 to work in conjunction with HA. It seems to me that there is a lot of crossover between HA and Polyglot and I’m not sure what the benefits would be. If anyone has insight on that it would be appreciated.
I’m curious to hear where you landed.
I have eISY and Home Assistant on dedicated Pi.
I have moved some of my integrations over to Home Assistant, but still use the eISY also. I have been able integrate the two with state variables, although it is largely a one-way integration (I set variables on the eISY and HA reacts).
I rely on Polyglot a lot less now, of course, but I will keep the eISY around for a while until everything I had on it is replaced by things that have native integrations with HA.
I have been a huge and loyal fan of first Insteon and then ISY (94 to 994 to eISY) but Insteon has faded (to say the least) and eISY never was able to operate easily enough for the average consumer. That’s not a knock on them…I was excited when I first found Polyglot and elated when the tighter combination came out on eISY, but HA absolutely leap-frogged pretty much everything out there.
In my mind I still got 100% of the value out of the “older” controllers. HA is giving me the best growth path going forward, while still not completely abandoning my eISY. As time marches on and all those IoT’s attached to eISY either break or become obsolete-replaced, the Insteon/eISY may go away but I see it with me for a few more years.